Bunny Maestre is a 3 year old, male neutered, cottontail rabbit who presented to us with epiphora (chronic tearing), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) and inflammation of the tissue (skin) adjacent to the right eye. The condition originally responded to topical eye medication but over time the right eye progressively reddened and the skin surrounding the eye was wet and irritated.
Bunny Maestre’s eyes were swabbed and cultured to test for bacteria. Blood was taken and tested for the DNA of Pasteurella, Staphylococcus and Bordetella Bronchiseptica. His results confirmed a positive infection of Bordetella Bronchiseptica. Along with topical eye medications, Bunny Maestre received two injectable antibiotics on a regular basis to help with the underlying systemic infection. Radiographs were taken and abnormal nasal sinus cavities were noted. The abnormalities of the sinus cavity typically represents damage/change or possible infection of the bones in that area. Based on the radiographs and clinical presentation we diagnosed blocked tear ducts causing the excessive tearing.
Bunny Maestre was placed under a general anesthetic and the tear ducts were evaluated for both eyes. The left eye’s duct was patent and flushed readily. The right eye’s duct was completely blocked approximately 2 cm from the opening of the eye. With special instrumentation we were able to break down the scar tissue blocking the tear duct and reestablish excellent tear flow. Within a week, Bunny Maestre’s right eye had no discharge and the skin surrounding the eye was dry and no longer red.

One month later, Bunny Maestre was off all medications and the skin around his right eye had normal hair growth. His epiphora has been resolved successfully.